Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Viral Marketing

Apparently, more than one person reads this blog.

So I want to try an experiment in Viral Marketing. The process is fairly
simple. It is like a chain letter, but without the guilt or any hope of
making large amounts of money.

I want you to find 3 other people and tell them about the blog. If they
like it, get them to tell 3 other people. If you have a really short
attention span you could just cut and paste the following:

Dear <fellow-surfer-of-the-net>,

I found this blog from some
<fool|guy|dot-com-victim|frequent-flyer> who seems to spend a
lot of time on the road and finds the <odd|interesting|bizzare|humorous>
side of what it takes to bounce around the country.


I thought you might find it
<interesting|useful-research|worth-plagarising|good-for-blackmail>. If
you like it feel free to spam your friends and get them to read it as

Share and enjoy.

Actually come to think about it, Tell as many people as possible, I'm
curious to see how far this can spread.