Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
This one isn't working
My typing ability is not as good as it could be as I'm currently sporting
a brace on my right hand. I'm somewhat aware of this device because today
I discovered that it (duh) had metal in in and I'm sure the TSA folks had
an amusing time reminding me of this fact as I went through security.
It, was of course just one of many things that didn't quite go right today
as I tried to fly to Seattle:
Not one, but two checkin kiosks were broken, I had to log into a third to
finally print my boarding pass. The first ATM I tried to use had broken
buttons so had to walk across the terminal to get enough cash to pay for
my cab.
I forgot my phone charger, so I had to purchase another one, at the
phone kiosk that was, of course, in the opposite direction from the gate
to the ATM I had just hiked to. All the power outlets were taken so I
couldn't charge my phone anyway.
My plane was delayed by one and a half hours because they had to replace
it not once but twice. Oh, and the mens room was fragrant with raw sewage
washing across the floor.
So it was not what you would call the most functional of days
Moment of Irony: my seat number was '4F'
A photo a day :
So since I can't type so well anyway, this year I'm doing something
different. Every day I'm going to take a photo. One Photo a day. I'm doing
this project with a friend of mine.
You can see them here
Posted by G D H at 12:11 AM